
Jet grouting is a soil consolidation and improvement technique that involves injecting a high-pressure cementitious mixture into the ground, creating columns or panels of treated soil.

Drilling and Injection Equipment:

  • Drilling Rig: Reaches depths of 50-60 meters.
  • Injection Tubes: Withstand high pressures (over 400 bar).
  • Injection Rods and Monitors: Specialized for high-pressure cementitious mixture injection.
  • High-Pressure Pumps:Deliver up to 600 liters/min.

Cementitious Mixtures:

  • Composition: Usually a mix of water, cement, and additives to improve properties.
  • Adaptability: Composition varies based on soil conditions and application needs.

Monitoring and Control System:

  • Injection Monitoring: Manages and records injection parameters.
  • GPS Positioning System: Ensures precise placement of the drilling rig.


  1. Drilling: Create a hole to the desired depth.
  2. Cementitious Injection: Inject the mixture at high pressure to mix with surrounding soil.
  3. Jet Grout Column Formation: Rotation and gradual withdrawal of the injection tube form solid, impermeable columns or panels.
  4. Control and Verification: Ensure treated soil meets project requirements.


  • Foundation Consolidation: Improve soil properties under foundations.
  • Slope Stabilization: Prevent landslides and enhance soil cohesion.
  • Permeability Reduction: Create impermeable barriers for contamination containment.
  • Existing Structure Rehabilitation: Stabilize historic buildings or existing structures.


  • Versatility: Suitable for various soil types.
  • Precision: Accurate control of treated soil geometry.
  • Minimal Disturbance: Low impact on existing structures and can be performed in confined spaces.


  • Cost: Higher compared to other soil improvement techniques.
  • Technical Expertise: Requires specialized personnel and equipment.
  • Dependence on Soil Conditions: Effectiveness influenced by soil characteristics and obstacles.

Slurry Treatment with Getech Gennaretti Technology

  • Optimized Work Areas: Maintain suitable work plans.
  • Reduced Waste: Minimize total slurry disposal.
  • Water Recovery: Closed-loop system for water reuse.
  • Discharge Options: Possible direct sewer discharge of clarified water.

Fondamenta’s experience allows for the installation and optimization of necessary systems, with preliminary soil tests guiding the treatment process. Factors influencing treated volumes include soil nature, injection mix density, resulting slurry density, environmental conditions, and jet injection type.

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