Our commitment

Fondamenta stands out for its ambitious strategy towards quality, safety, and environmental protection, ensuring high-quality work. In recent years, we have made significant progress in managing safety risks and minimizing environmental impact, starting from the early design stages.

The company’s commitment in these areas has been strengthened by appointing a Quality, Safety, and Environment (QSA) manager at the corporate level. Our initiatives aim to improve environmental impact management on construction sites, focusing on pollution control, safe chemical management, waste sorting, and adherence to strict environmental standards.

Certification Mark for ISO 9001
Certification Mark for ISO 14001
Certification Mark for ISO- 45001
  • UNI EN ISO 9001 Certified – Download PDF
  • UNI EN ISO 14001 Certified – Download PDF
  • UNI EN ISO 45001 Certified – Download PDF
  • SOA CATEGORIA OG1 Class VI – Download PDF
  • SOA CATEGORIA OG7 Class VIII (no limit) – Download PDF
  • SOA CATEGORIA OS21 Class VIII (no limit) – Download PDF
  • Registered in the National Register of Environmental Managers cat. 9-C